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pmc — Tips and Suggestions


How to Battle Fatigue 0

There are numerous of causes of fatigue such as diabetes, heart disease, or simply not getting enough sleep which affects your work and home life. Here are some ways to fight fatigue and get your energy back. 1. Some people…

How to get a brighter smile 0

Flashing a great smile can make anyone’s day. Not only does it give you confidence, it gives you something to smile about. Whitening teeth have been a new trend for many years now and here are some ways to keep…

Single and Ready to Mingle? 0

Single and ready to mingle you say? Cruise lines hear your call. If you’ve ever travelled alone on a cruise, then you know a thing or two about unfair supplemental fees. Not a couple? You still have to pay like…

Excuse me doctor, did you say YOGA? 0

So, you went for a routine doctor’s appointment with all the typical aches and ailments generated by your aging body and the doc said something you didnt expect. Perhaps you should Practice Yoga. You must admit, you were slightly bewildered…

The Boomer’s Guide to Medicare. 0

AARP has posted the top 8 “Do’s and Dont’s” when it comes to Medicare. Make sure you are not only aware…but truly in the know when it comes to the future of your health care. Here’s what you should know……

Knee Pain? Eat to feel better… 0

Besides knee pain, we face daily aches and pains that require more than just a short rest or a nap. Below we have listed AARP’s recommendations for 7 foods that can help battle off those daily ailments.   Take the first step…

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