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pmc — Tips and Suggestions


Get the Best Sleep Ever 0

You’ve done all the obvious stuff—cut out late-night caffeine, made sure your bedroom is dark and cozy, avoided scary movies or struggling with your to-do list right before bed. So why are you still tossing and turning? “Certain habits you’re…

Working Out With Diabetes 0

Exercise is safe—and highly recommended—for most people with type 2 diabetes, including those with complications. Along with diet and medication, exercise will help you lower blood sugar and lose weight. However, the prospect of diving into a workout routine may…

Tips for the Solo Adventurer 0

Long before “Eat, Pray, Love” author Elizabeth Gilbert began contemplating the solo journey that would change her life and create a literary blockbuster, June Meineke was dreaming of taking a trip around the world. So when Meineke took an early…

Prevent Falls in the Home 0

Ah yes, home. The place where you can chill out, relax, unwind. But your home can be more hazardous than you think. Nearly 8 million people are injured in falls every year, either in or outside the home, according to…

Remember These Tips When Planning a Vacation 0

When we think of traveling with our grandchildren, most of us imagine an experience that’s postcard perfect. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to spoil that picture. Try our tips to avoid these common vacation slip-ups: 1. The Slip-Up: Not Coordinating…

Water and Beauty 0

Everyone always says water is good for you and to drink 8 glasses per day or else, but rarely do they explain the manner in which water contributes to your overall health. The following paragraphs describe how water makes you…

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