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pmc — Food


Eating Red Meat Increases Risk of Premature Death 0

A new study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that any red meat that you eat increases your chance of dying at an earlier age. Try picturing a piece of steak the size of a deck of…

Baked Salmon with Southeast Asian Marinade 0

In honor of Heart Association month, we found that delicious and healthy recipe from mayoclinic.com for baked salmon. Not only is this great for your heart, it would please your mouth buds as well! Serves: 2 Ingredients: 1/2 cup pineapple…

Eat These Foods for Healthier Teeth 0

The Huffington Post wrote a great article on what to eat to gain healthier teeth. The reason for the plaque buildup in your mouth is due to the starchy or sugary food that you eat or drink. The sugars or…

Health Boosting Chocolates are on the Rise 0

So far most Americans know that dark chocolate has more health benefits than milk chocolate, but imagine chocolate with other health-boosting compounds to help prevent against heart disease, cancer and stroke. The markets for these kinds of chocolates are increasing…

Easy Chocolate Soufflé for Valentine’s Day 0

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! Why not impress your significant other or date with this homemade chocolate soufflé’. It is easier to make than you think! We found this recipe from eatingwell.com under the healthy Valentine’s Day treats category. It is…

Study Recommend Babies to Feed Themselves to Avoid Obesity 0

There’s a term for this—“baby-led weaning.” The definition is allowing infants “wean” themselves away from breast milk or formula by self-feeding tiny bits of cut-up foods, rather than being spoon-fed by their parents. The study had parents filled out surveys…

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