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pmc — medical


Medicare Beneficiaries -- Find out how much you spend on health care. 0


When first enrolling in Medicare, Medicaid, or another public health care coverage, many people expect their new health care to cover all of their medical expenses.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Those covered by the Medicare Original or Medicare Advantage can still expect to end up paying thousands of dollars to premiums, copays, coinsurance, and deductibles.

Have you just signed up for Medicare or are you considering enrolling with Medicare? If so, you're in luck! The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services just published an online out-of-pocket cost calculator to estimate the annual costs that an average Medicare beneficiary will pay. Use this online tool for FREE and find out how much Medicare will really cost you, and how it compares to your other health insurance options.

5 Tips to Maintain Oral Hygiene and Avoid Dentures 0


1 out of 5 elderly adults struggles with untreated tooth decay. Over 2/3 of older adults have some type of gum disease, and nearly 1/5 have lost all their teeth (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). To avoid health complications in the mouth or elsewhere, Professional Medical Corp recommends that all senior citizens follow these five tips. Furthermore, lack of oral hygiene has also started to show a correlation to the development of non-oral chronic diseases.

Introducing a Product Line to Assist Caregivers 0


We at Professional Medical Corp carry the utmost respect for those who act as caregivers. A caregiver is a title, a job, but not necessarily a chosen career for every undertaker. Often, family members end up becoming caregivers to make sure their loved one is well taken-care-of. With an understanding of the many difficulties and challenges that caregivers face daily, we have unveiled a “Caregiving Aids” category for the Professional Medical website. The purpose of focusing on caregiving with this article and the new section of our website is to provide gratitude to professional and family caregivers in the United States, and to offer them the tools they need to simplify their job.

The Medical Benefits You May Not Know About 0

Do you provide support to an elderly family member who struggles with activities of daily living?

Are you struggling with activities of daily living with or without a caregiver and financially ineligible to receive full Medicaid benefits? 

If you answered, then you may be qualified to receive free medical benefits under one of two lesser known programs launched by Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services aimed at expanding medical benefit accessibility.

FDA’s New Safety Plan for Opioids 0

The Food and Drug Administration has taken a stand against opioid abuse with their new safety measures. This plan is a result of the fast growing prescription drug epidemic in the United States. Opioids are at the heart of this…

New Procedure that can Turn Brown Eyes Blue 0

There is a new laser procedure that was discovered by a California company that can change brown eyes blue permanently. It only takes 20 seconds for the whole procedure and is estimated to cost $5000. The procedure is still under…

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