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pmc — study


5 Tips to Maintain Oral Hygiene and Avoid Dentures 0


1 out of 5 elderly adults struggles with untreated tooth decay. Over 2/3 of older adults have some type of gum disease, and nearly 1/5 have lost all their teeth (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). To avoid health complications in the mouth or elsewhere, Professional Medical Corp recommends that all senior citizens follow these five tips. Furthermore, lack of oral hygiene has also started to show a correlation to the development of non-oral chronic diseases.

Best 3 Smartphone Apps for Seniors (Part 2) 0

This is the second blog post in a three-part mini-series of smartphone application highlights. To read the first blog post, click here.

This week, we will be taking a look at applications that promote senior safety, and applications that can be useful for those with a poor memory.

Being Married Increases Your Survival of Heart Surgery 0

A new study found that being married increases your chance of surviving heart surgery by three times (regardless of gender). Among the patients who survived the first three months, the singletons were 71% more likely to die during the next…

Snoring Babies Equals Trouble? 0

A new study published in Pediatrics Journal, found that babies who snore or have mouth–breathing and sleep apnea show indications of future long-term problems in children’s behavior and emotional wellbeing. The researchers found that babies who have these sleep disorders…

Does it Matter What Your Doctor Looks Like? 0

A new study conducted by the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the John Hopkins University School of Medicine found  out that a doctor’s body size had an influence on how he or she cared for their patients…

Texting and Talking Slows You Down 0

A new study conducted by the Stony Brook University found that talking on a cellphone or texting while walking reduces your walking speed and makes it difficult to walk in a straight line. Their preliminary research consisted of 33 men…

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