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Lightened Chocolate Desserts 0

You don’t have to stay away from chocolate when you’re on a diet. Cookinglight.com listed 20 mouth watering chocolate recipes that are more health conscious. Now, who doesn’t like chocolate? Below is one of our favorite recipes for individual chocolate…

Is there a linkage between too much coffee and pregnancy rates? 0

Times Health Land Magazine reported a new study that claims drinking too much coffee may lower  a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. Researchers at the University of Nevada conducted an experiment on mice and concluded that too much caffeine hindered…

Stress Management Techniques 0

Are you debating back and forth to take that vacation? Well, studies show that removing yourself from the daily demands will give you a re-energize boost when you get back into the office. The attachment away from the same old…

A simple weight lost trick 0

AARP claims a new study has been found where middle to older age adults that drink about 2 glasses of water before each meal will lose 30% more weight than those who didn’t. Interesting! This only works for people who are middle aged…

More men are getting plastic surgery 0

Men, thinking about getting plastic surgery soon? Well, you’re not alone. To deal with the tough economy and job market, men are turning to plastic surgery to become more competitive. Face lifts and Botox injections rose from the past year,…

How to Battle Fatigue 0

There are numerous of causes of fatigue such as diabetes, heart disease, or simply not getting enough sleep which affects your work and home life. Here are some ways to fight fatigue and get your energy back. 1. Some people…

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