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pmc — wellness


What you should tip while traveling 0

Summer is in full force with many people taking their vacations with their family and friends. Do you ever wonder what you should tip at restaurants, your valet driver, or for room service, etc? AARP.com put together a list of…

New study shows more men than women die of almost every type of cancer 0

It has always been known for years that men die of cancer more often than women, but this is the first that a new study was able to analyze individual cancers and study the sex differences. The journal Cancer Epidemiology,…

How to cut out cancer from outdoor grilling 0

Grilling is very popular in the United States during the summer, but it does come with some health consequences.  We have heard the warnings about the increased cancer risk from eating grilled meat. AARP wrote a great article explaining how…

Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy 0

There are so many TV shows lately exhibiting an obese person trying to lose weight in order to be healthy. This could be a reminder for some, but being skinny doesn’t necessarily mean that you are healthy either. A new…

Trouble sleeping? Try a cooling cap! 0

New research conducted by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine reported that by keeping the head cool, more insomniacs can sleep easier. Previous studies indicated that people with insomnia can’t  sleep due to the added brain activity that goes…

Is there a linkage between too much coffee and pregnancy rates? 0

Times Health Land Magazine reported a new study that claims drinking too much coffee may lower  a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. Researchers at the University of Nevada conducted an experiment on mice and concluded that too much caffeine hindered…

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