Are Your Medical Bills Out of Control? 0
If you are like many America’s facing unexpected medical bills the task of sorting through invoices can be tedious. Patients are frustrated to receive multiple bills, for such things as hospital services, with little to no explanations as to what…
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The Boomer’s Guide to Medicare. 0
AARP has posted the top 8 “Do’s and Dont’s” when it comes to Medicare. Make sure you are not only aware…but truly in the know when it comes to the future of your health care. Here’s what you should know……
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Knee Pain? Eat to feel better… 0
Besides knee pain, we face daily aches and pains that require more than just a short rest or a nap. Below we have listed AARP’s recommendations for 7 foods that can help battle off those daily ailments. Take the first step…
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COBRA Confusion 0
Bill Bregar thought he was doing everything right. With his former employer’s health insurance due to run out in May 2009, he believed that his visit with his wife to the Social Security office to sign up for Medicare would…
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Beware: New Medicare Scam 0
Patients with diabetes are being targeted in the latest Medicare scam—one that’s especially worrisome because the fraudsters appear legitimate since they actually know the name and address of doctors who treat their intended victims. “We have no idea how they…
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Obama’s Solution to the Doughnut Hole (Medicare Part D) 0
In a surprise move that will please millions of Medicare beneficiaries, President Obama yesterday announced plans to cut in half the prescription drug expenses of those who fall into the Part D coverage gap, universally known as the doughnut hole.…
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