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pmc — health


Drugs that are Becoming Generic this Year 0

AARP.com announced some of many brand-name prescription medications that are going generic  for 2012. Last year, brands such as Lipitor and Zyprexa went generic, giving people cheaper alternatives. Look below for this year’s list. Lexapro—use to treat depression  (March) Provigil—used…

People with High IQs are More Likely to Take Drugs 0

According to a new study from the U.K, people who have high IQs are more likely to take illegal drugs like marijuana. It was more profound in women as those who were in the top third of the IQ range…

Some Parents Favor their Kids to Suck on Chicken Pox Lollipops 0

There are some parents that avoid giving their children vaccines, therefore turn to “natural immunity” against the disease by allowing their kids to suck on mail-ordered lollipops already licked by sick kids. There was a Facebook page called “Find a…

Yummy Halloween Treats 0

Happy Halloween from Professional Medical Corp! We found this great healthy recipe from Skinnychef.com for peanut butter cookies. The reviews make it sound like a quite delicious treat! Ingredients 3 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour or oat flour 2…

New Study shows that Americans Consume Too Much Sodium 0

A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that 88% of U.S. children and adults digest more sodium per day than the recommended amount. It is recommended by the U.S.department of Agriculture to consume 2,300 milligrams…

Another Benefit of Chocolate for Women 0

A new study from Sweden claims that the more chocolate women eat, the lower their stroke risk. This could be added to list of benefits from eating chocolate such as lower blood pressure and reduced heart risk. The article says,…

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