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15 Minutes a Day of Exercise Adds Years to Your Life



Currently, only one third of Americans meet the CDC’s guidelines for physical health which recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, plus additional strength-training.  New research finds that even 15 minutes a day (92 minutes a week) is related to increasing your life expectancy by three years and a 14% reduction in risk of death by any cause. This is compared to a sedentary lifestyle, in other words, a “couch potato.” Each additional 15 minutes of daily exercise reduces the risk of death by another 4% and people who achieved 30 minutes of activity a day found to add four extra years to their life expectancy.

The study involves more than 400,000 people in Taiwanwhere they followed for an average of eight years. The participants were given a questionnaire about their lifestyle and medical history.

Remember, the more exercise the better so don’t do the minimum effort if you have the opportunity to work out longer.


Read original article here-Times Health Land

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