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Avoid Fall-Related Injuries this Winter


Prevent fall-related injuries this winter with mobility aids


If you or a loved one has difficulties with mobility, consider using a mobility aid to reduce the risk of a fall or fall-related injury. The winter season can be slippery, and here are a few tips to remain safe.


Walk slowly and watch out for black ice


Sometimes, very thin ice freezes over asphalt or pavement, an occurrence known as “black ice”. Avoid slipping on black ice by walking slowly and carefully, and spotting the ground below you before transferring your weight.


Use a backpack or other carrier to transport heavy goods


Carrying heavy items can offset your natural point of balance, making a slip or fall more likely. To best avoid these types of dangers, we advise all seniors to use mobility aids, a backpack, or another type of item transportation device to move groceries or other items. By shifting the weight of your items to a backpack, you can greatly reduce the risk of losing balance.


Carefully exit vehicles


Many falls and fall-related injuries happen when exiting a vehicle and stepping onto the ground. To avoid a fall while getting out of a vehicle, it is best to tap your foot against the ground before transferring your weight to check and see if the ground is slippery.

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  • Trey Munsell
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