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Teens that Sleep Early are Fitter than Teens that Don’t


Everyone knows that the more sleep you get, the healthier you are. New research finds that time is a factor as well. Teens that have an early bed time were more thin and fit than those who slept late. The study was conducted in Australia and the researchers followed 2,200 children from the age 9-16 over four days. All the children on average slept the same amount of time, but those who slept later and woke up later were 1.5 times more likely to be obese and twice as likely to have a “couch potato” lifestyle.

They found that they kids who stayed up late were three times more likely to spend that time watching TV, playing video games, etc. The late-sleeping children were more likely to come from a lower-income family, lived in the city, have part-time job, and few siblings.
Read original article here—Courtesy of Times Health Land

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