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pmc — News


The Older you are, the Better the Sleep 0

A new study found that the quality of sleep gets better the older we get, and that adults in their 80’s are having the best sleep than anyone else. There are many factors that affect sleep besides your biological age…

Health Boosting Chocolates are on the Rise 0

So far most Americans know that dark chocolate has more health benefits than milk chocolate, but imagine chocolate with other health-boosting compounds to help prevent against heart disease, cancer and stroke. The markets for these kinds of chocolates are increasing…

Top Sources of Salt in Your Food 0

A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the top 10 sources of sodium in the American diet. It is already stated that nearly 90% of all Americans eat too much salt, which increase chances of…

Study Recommend Babies to Feed Themselves to Avoid Obesity 0

There’s a term for this—“baby-led weaning.” The definition is allowing infants “wean” themselves away from breast milk or formula by self-feeding tiny bits of cut-up foods, rather than being spoon-fed by their parents. The study had parents filled out surveys…

Can a Blood Test Help Predict Your Death? 0

A new study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the European Society of Cardiology Congress discovered a certain enzyme that could be linked to both heart disease and cancer. By measuring this enzyme in blood, it…

Should Sugar be Regulated like Alcohol and Cigarettes? 0

Well, some scientists think so. Researchers from the University of California-San Francisco believe that sugar is so destructive to the public health that it should be regulated like alcohol and cigarettes. Recently, the researchers announced that this dangerous consumption of…

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