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pmc — News


Survey says you’re Happiest at 33 0

Hmm, that would make sense. You’re at the age where you can’t say you’re naïve and you would be having more spending money than ever before. A British website, Friends Reunited, claims that 70% of the 40 years old picked…

Altitude Sickness be Gone with Ibuprofen 0

Health.com recently wrote an article that explains that ibuprofen’s anti-inflammatory properties might help prevent that pounding headache and other symptoms of altitude sickness. A new study published in Annals of Emergency Medicine found that people who took ibuprofen over a…

Minimum Price of Alcohol in the UK 0

The Britain’s government just recently announced their new plan to increase the prices of alcohol in order to reduce irresponsible drinking. They want to ban super cheap alcohol by placing a minimum price per unit of alcohol and banning multi-buy discount deals. Of…

Myths about Living Alone 0

What’s wrong with being alone? A new article from AARP.com breaks down some myths about why Americans choose to be alone and the potential emotional and health consequences that come with it (or lack of). The truth is: most Americans…

Being Married Increases Your Survival of Heart Surgery 0

A new study found that being married increases your chance of surviving heart surgery by three times (regardless of gender). Among the patients who survived the first three months, the singletons were 71% more likely to die during the next…

Snoring Babies Equals Trouble? 0

A new study published in Pediatrics Journal, found that babies who snore or have mouth–breathing and sleep apnea show indications of future long-term problems in children’s behavior and emotional wellbeing. The researchers found that babies who have these sleep disorders…

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