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Greek Yogurt vs. Regular Yogurt


AARP.com wrote a good article that summarized the difference between Greek and regular yogurt. Below are just some of the highlights:

Protein: Greek yogurt wins by having nearly twice the protein.

Sodium: Greek has half the salt.

Calcium: If you’re looking for more calcium, regular yogurt is the way to go. It has about three times as much calcium.

Calories: It is about the same if you are comparing similar flavors and fat levels.

Carbohydrates: It depends. Greek plain yogurt has half the sugar than the regular.

Fat: It also depends. Full-fat Greek yogurt has three times the fat of regular, full-fat yogurt. However, there is nonfat or low-fat Greek yogurt as a buying option.

Greek yogurt is usually pricier than regular yogurt, because it takes about three times as much milk to produce a pound of Greek yogurt compared to the regular kind. The reason behind this is the process—for that Greek yogurt taste, it would need to be strained to remove most of the liquid whey to give it that thicker consistency it is known for.

For more info and the original article click here—courtesy of AARP.com

So which one do you usually like better?

-Professional Medical Corp.

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