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What Fiber can do For You


Here at Professional Medical, we love to get healthy by researching new articles on how to fight signs of aging. We found a great article from Health.com that shows us why fiber is important part of your diet. Fiber is essential, because it can resist heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, and colon cancer.  Women would need to intake 25 grams a day and men would need at least 35-40 grams a day. Unfortunately, on average, we only get 15 grams a day. Below are some foods that help you get jump started on a fiber rich diet!

  1. Corn—A single ear of corn contains 2 grams of fiber. Popcorn, a great alternative, contains 3.5 grams of fiber per three-cup servings.
  2. Raspberry—About one cup gives you a third of your daily fiber need. Buying them frozen would be easier on your wallet especially when they are not in season.
  3. Peas—About one cup will boast 16.3 grams of fiber and a cup of frozen peas contain 8.8 grams.
  4. Avocado—Only two tablespoons serving of this can give you 2 grams of fiber!

Click here for more food ideas—courtesy of health.com

What do you do to get more fiber?

Professional Medical Corp

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