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pmc — Aging & Wellness


Healthy Asian Salad 0

Warm up to the new spring weather was this healthy and tasty salad recipe from eatingwell.com. This salad is unique due to the snow peas as the base vegetable and the nutty taste of the cashews which combines into a…

Dishwasher vs. Hand-Washing Dishes 0

There are some people out there that hate washing dishes-like me! Have you ever wondered if washing dishes or the dishwasher is better for the environment or which one produces less water? There is a new study from Germany conducted…

Fresh vs. Canned food 0

We found this interesting article from Times magazine that examines if canned food can offer the same amount of nutrients compared to fresh food. Tuft University conducted the study in New Jersey and the results are surprising. They concluded that…

What Fiber can do For You 0

Here at Professional Medical, we love to get healthy by researching new articles on how to fight signs of aging. We found a great article from Health.com that shows us why fiber is important part of your diet. Fiber is…

Survey says you’re Happiest at 33 0

Hmm, that would make sense. You’re at the age where you can’t say you’re naïve and you would be having more spending money than ever before. A British website, Friends Reunited, claims that 70% of the 40 years old picked…

Myths about Living Alone 0

What’s wrong with being alone? A new article from AARP.com breaks down some myths about why Americans choose to be alone and the potential emotional and health consequences that come with it (or lack of). The truth is: most Americans…

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