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Fresh vs. Canned food


We found this interesting article from Times magazine that examines if canned food can offer the same amount of nutrients compared to fresh food. Tuft University conducted the study in New Jersey and the results are surprising. They concluded that when price, waste and preparation time were factored in, canned foods won out as the most convenient and affordable source of nutrients.

They used pinto beans as an example because they found that canned pinto beans cost $1 less per serving as a source of protein and fiber than dried beans. This would be the cost amount if you factor in the six minutes to prepare a can of pinto beans to the 2.5 hours for dried beans, after soaking and cooking.

The results also showed that corn, spinach, tomatoes, and tuna are all winners in canned form than fresh. Remember, this is if you factor in price, waste, and preparation along with nutrients.

Click here to find out more information and read the original article—Times Healthland

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