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Foods that help you focus


There are many foods out there that can help you focus especially when it comes to a test or an important project. The British Medical Journal explains that a decrease in memory and reasoning capacity can affect our brains as young as 45. Below are some foods that can help slow this process down from eatingwell.com.

Green Vegetables—By eating as much as two more daily servings of vegetables, you can have a sharper mental focus—as much as people five years younger.

Whole Grains—Several of studies show that eating a breakfast of whole grains can help keep mental focus better than people who have no breakfast or a meal of refined carbohydrates.

Coffee—Of course it is proven that coffee makes you more alert and help your mind feel sharper. Surprisingly, studies show that coffee help men react to coffee faster and sustain the mental alertness longer.

Gum—A new study conducted in 2011 discovered that people who chewed gum during a stressful talk were more alert than those who didn’t chew gum during the same task.

What do you think of this?

Read the original article here—courtesy of eatingwell.com

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