Eating Red Meat Increases Risk of Premature Death 0
A new study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that any red meat that you eat increases your chance of dying at an earlier age. Try picturing a piece of steak the size of a deck of…
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Mississippi Spiced Pecans 0
Spiced pecans are usually given out as treats for the holidays. Not only are they delicious snack, they are healthy too! They are packed with anti-oxidants and could reduce heart disease by lowering cholesterol. Here is a simple recipe by…
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Rats Show Empathy, Free companions, & Shares Food 0
A new study shows that there are pro-social behaviors in rats. The experiment had two same-sex rats housed in the same cage for two weeks. This will give them a chance to have a “relationship.” During the test sessions, one…
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Home Remedies that Work 0
AARP found great home remedies that could help you stop motion sickness to soothing your coughs. Also, there is scientific proof that they work! Honey—it is great to use when you have a cough that you want to get rid…
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Yummy Halloween Treats 0
Happy Halloween from Professional Medical Corp! We found this great healthy recipe from for peanut butter cookies. The reviews make it sound like a quite delicious treat! Ingredients 3 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour or oat flour 2…
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Healthier Halloween Candy 0
Halloween is in two weeks, so did a comparison of different kinds of candy to choose for those who can’t decide which is a healthier option. Hmm let’s try one. Twix or Kit Kat? If you chose Kit Kat—you’re…
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