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Saving Money on Healthy Food


Healthy food can be expensive, but there are many ways where you can pinch your dollar—and it could definitely add up! Here are some suggestions from Health.com.

  1. Fresh berries—they can be pricey, especially when they are out of season. If you purchase frozen berries, they cost much less and the best part, they can be just as nutritious! Since it’s frozen, you don’t have to worry about them going bad either!
  2. Vegetable chips—they can be a healthy alternative to those junk potato junks, but it does take a toll on your wallet. Try making kale chips—Not only are they cheaper to purchase, they are less than 50 calories per cup! Did we mention they are easy to make? Click here for the recipe.
  3. Whey protein powder—they can be expensive and are often used in healthy smoothies and shakes. A great alternative is tofu since they are tasteless but have protein in them as well, it blends right into your drink and can save you a few dollars.
  4. Stock up—sit down and find out what you tend to go through a week or so. When there is a sale, stock up! These items will be used at some point and you can save a few bucks on your next trip since the items are already in your pantry.

Click here for more tips—courtesy of health.com

What are some of your tips?

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