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New Study: 42% of American Adults will be obese by 2030


A new study shows by 2030, nearly half of American adults will be obese. As of now, 36% of adults are considered obese, and the rate will continue to climb for many years to come. The researchers of this study also  announced during the Weight of Nation conference in Washington that it will cost almost $550 billion over the next 20 years to treat the additional obese people for diabetes, heart disease and other medical conditions.

The good news is that obesity’s rate has slowed down compared to the last 30 years where it has seen record pace. If those trends were to continue, more than half of American adults would be considered to be obese in 2030 (51%).

Health experts suggest the best way to attack the obesity crisis is to focus on children and prevent them from becoming obese. The Bogalusa Heart Study found that 77% of obese children become obese adults while only 7% of non-obese children do.  Another suggestion is to create public health campaigns to encourage exercise and more healthy eating, more effective weight-loss drugs and encouraging healthy food alternatives at work.

What do you think of this new study?

Click here to read the original article–courtesy of LA Times

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