Our main office is open to customers and the general public by appointment only. If you would like to pick something up at our location, please call 206-366-9543 to set up an appointment time. Thank you for your understanding.

Meet our staff!!


We have decided to introduce our staff as a bi-weekly feature here. We love meeting all of you so we want to make sure you know all of us!


Here is our story about how the company was founded:


I believe that everyone involved in the medical field has a personal connection and deep feelings to do their part to help. Our story starts with my grandparents, both long time healthcare veterans, who pioneered many changes in the nursing home industry. We grew up hearing stories of the attention and care that they provided their clients, from instituting serving healthy and tasty food according to each client’s needs to having challenging and interesting activities so that clients were involved and inspired.

My grandmother had medical complications in her 60’s and needed to start using the very medical supplies and equipment that she had been ordering for her clients. I learned a lot from her over those years – her fierce need for independence, her commitment to continue living her life to the fullest and never giving up. My husband and I started our home medical supply company around that time and saw firsthand that same, burning desire in many of our clients and their families. What we found was that most of our clients, and even my industry savvy grandmother had no idea what kind of equipment and supplies were available to help meet those needs. Sure, there were basic thing, hospital style wheelchairs and commodes, but what about pretty nightgowns that open in the back to preserve dignity, or transport wheelchairs that weigh less, can easily be kept in a car and make outings easier on everyone involved? Our mission has been to let our clients know their options; we don’t only sell products, we offer solutions to help our clients live life to its fullest.

We look forward to helping you as well,

All the best

Fran Marasow




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