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Is Retirement Still a Dream?


For previous generations retirement has been something to look forward to and a new survey suggestions those times are changing. The survey conducted by TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation found that the dream of retirement is slipping away for many, in fact one out of every two Americans surveyed said they are not looking forward to retirement, and this is mostly being fueled by the fear of not having enough money saved.

In anticipation of retiring without enough money saved in time 80% of those surveyed envision having to work part or full time after retirement.

The survey also evaluated the mental outlook for current retirees compared to younger generations who are planning for retirement. Four age categories were looked at and had varying outlooks on retirement.

 Matures – Proud, satisfied and positive

Baby Boomers – Anxious and regretful

Gen X – Embarrassed, frustrated and envious

Gen Y– Disinterested and lacking control

 “Getting over any negative psychological feelings associated with retirement is the first step to getting on track. Once you can get past those, a lot of practical plans start to surface,” said Lule Demmissie from TD Ameritrade, Inc.

For more resources to help with planning for retirement, please read the original article HERE.

~Professional Medcial Corp.

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