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Are You at a Healthy Weight?


AARP.com has a great article on determining if you are at a healthy weight and tips on how to get there if you’re not. BMI stands for body mass index and it is a calculation that uses your height and weight to guess how much body fat you have.

Click here to use their BMI calculator! (It is on the right of the page)

Another formula that AARP.com shares:

For women: add “100 pounds of body weight for the first five feet of height plus 5 pounds for each additional inch.”

For Men: “add 106 pounds of body weight for the first five feet of height plus six pounds for each additional inch.”

Some tips to maintain a healthy diet are eat less red meat, eat more fish, limit eating up to four eggs a week, eat fiber, and cut back on fried food.

Click here for the original article—courtesy of AARP.com

So are you at a healthy weight? Any other tips you would like to share?


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