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25 Things You Can Do To Prevent Cancer


medical_devices_img01Anyone can develop cancer. One in three people will be diagnosed with the disease during their lifetime.

That doesn’t sound encouraging, but, consider this: Experts believe more than two-thirds of all cancer cases can be prevented if we would just make the right lifestyle choices.

How we live affects our health, and not surprisingly, we’re now finding many common cancers are linked to lifestyle.

That’s actually good news. Not that we’re suggesting cancer is completely curable, but many can be influenced by simple healthy measures.

Here are 25 things you can do to prevent cancer:

1) Don’t smoke
2) Limit alcohol consumption
3) Enjoy chocolate (in moderation)
4) Sweat out toxins
5) Eat 5-9 servings of fruits & veggies
6) Eat cruciferous vegetables
7) Eat less red meat
8) Avoid products made with nitrates
9) Lose weight
10) Get regular exercise
11) Reduce stress
12) Make a place for spirituality
13) Do monthly self-exams
14) Follow screening guidelines
15) Know your family history
16) Practice safe sex
17) Girls get HPV vaccine
18) High risk women get annual MRIs
19) Reconsider hormone replacement therapy
20) Teach your kids a cancer-free lifestyle now
21) Avoid tanning beds
22) Protect your skin from the sun
23) Check for radon in your home
24) Do your part to reduce air pollution
25) Participate in clinical trials

Source: JEAN ENERSEN / KING 5 News – http://www.king5.com

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