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Prevent Falls in the Home 0

Ah yes, home. The place where you can chill out, relax, unwind. But your home can be more hazardous than you think. Nearly 8 million people are injured in falls every year, either in or outside the home, according to…

COPD and Cardiovascular Health 0

If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you’re at an increased risk for developing other health problems, such as osteoporosis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) , diabetes, and heart disease. But there are certain times when COPD patients are more…

Male Caregivers: A Different Story, by Elinor Ginzler 0

It’s a well-known fact that most caregivers are women: Of the 43.5 million adults who care for an older family member or friend, nearly two out of three are female, according to a report published by AARP and the National…

Fish Tacos with Cabbage Slaw 0

We like to serve these Fish Tacos with Cabbage Slaw in the sturdy texture of corn tortillas, but you can use flour tortillas. Since the recipe makes more slaw than necessary for the tacos, serve the extra on the side.…
  • Professional Medical
  • Tags: Recipes

Finding Your Personal Migraine Trigger(s) 0

Tracking Down Your Triggers For people who experience migraines, certain foods, strong perfumes, flickering lights, and other environmental factors can set off an attack. But not everyone has the same triggers, and not every time—and that makes the migraine trigger…

Vitamin D a Pain Reliever? 0

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because when sunlight hits skin, the body produces this vitamin, essential for strong, healthy bones. However, a mountain of new evidence suggests that the vitamin may have a more versatile role than…

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