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The Best Pets for Seniors 0

by Robyn Tellefsen Whether you’re a dog person or a cat person, a bird person or a fish person, there’s a pet for every personality. Pets can be an excellent investment for people of all ages – particularly for seniors…

My old-school baked ziti 0

The night before I went to the hospital to have this little nugget, in one last burst of frenetic nesting — a tornado of focused, effective energy I sorely miss in these early months — I decided to do something…

How to Talk to Your Elderly Parent About the Dangers of Falling 0

by Jim T. Miller Watching an elderly parent’s health decline is never easy, but for many adult children, like Patty Cicione of Norton, Mass., having conversations about a parent’s vulnerabilities, health and well-being in their later years can be equally…

Is it Alzheimer’s , or A.D.H.D.? 0

by Judith Berck The 73-year-old widow came to see Dr. David Goodman, an assistant professor in the psychiatry and behavioral sciences department at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, after her daughter had urged her to “see somebody” for her increasing…

Does Excercise Change Your Brain? 0

by Gretche3n Reynolds At the age of 93, Olga Kotelko — one of the most successful and acclaimed nonagenarian track-and-field athletes in history — traveled to the University of Illinois to let scientists study her brain. Ms. Kotelko held a…

Salt-Free Diet May Improve Heart Health For Diabetics 0

Seniors living with diabetes must exercise extreme caution when selecting which foods to integrate into their diets. While people with this condition know to shy away from foods high in sugar content, a new study indicates that they should avoid…

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