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pmc — Products


Product Spotlight – Canes 0

Canes A cane is a walking aid for those with foot or leg complications.  There is a great selection of canes to choose from to best suit your needs. Crook Canes A crook cane is the most common and popular…

The Importance of Ambulatory Equipment 0

It has been estimated that about 1.5 million people in the United States use walkers.  Approximately 30% – 50% of patients abandon their ambulation aid soon after it’s delivered to them.  This reveals the importance of an appropriate device selection, proper…

Toilet Aids 0

Toilet Aids, or bathroom hygiene helpers, allow those with limited use of their hands and arms to function independently when using the toilet.  Their comfortable design extends the reach of the user, making toileting easier and cleaner.  Toilet aids are…

Skin Care and Infection Control 0

Skin Care and Infection Control products soothe and clean sensitive areas, help combat presistent exposure to moisture, and offer protection against germs and disease.  Here are some products we recommend- Baza ® Barrier Cream and Anti-fungal Cream Helps maintain healthy skin…

Knee Walkers 0

What is a knee walker? A knee walker is a personal mobility device that stimulates a fast return to normal activity after surgery or injury. It provides a great alternative to wheelchairs, crutches, and walkers for those who want to…

Automatic Bath Lifter 0

What is an Automatic Bath Lifter? If you struggle getting in and out of your tub, bath lifts may be your solution. Bath lifts are a safe way to take a warm relaxing bath again. No drilling or tools are…

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